Ministry Teams

These are our action-oriented service teams. As you’ll see, we offer many different ways to serve God through our church. You do not have to be a member to participate on these teams. If you would like to connect with one of these teams go to and choose service opportunities.

Worship Arts Ministries

Leads the congregation into a more meaningful and intimate relationship with God through the use of spiritual gifts vocally, instrumentally, dancing, and dramatization.


Providing snacks and a welcoming atmosphere on Sunday.

Words Alive

Presenting Scripture in Worship.

Media Team

Operating the media booth during Sunday Worship. Various roles including; sound booth, cameras, lights, and slide projections.


Welcoming people to worship, getting them checked-in, and helping acclimate newcomers.

Parking Lot Watch Team

Keeping eyes on our parking lot during Sunday Worship.


Creating a loving environment and caring for our infants and toddlers during Worship.

LJC Kids!

Creating safe environment for our infants through fifth-graders to learn more about the Bible in a creative and age-appropriate way.

Teen Life

Providing engaging experiences, authentic relationships, and relevant conversations around the narratives of Scripture for the next generation.

Dayspring Ministry

Preparing and serving breakfast for homeless families at Dayspring Center on Saturday Mornings.

Temple Keepers

Cleaning different parts of the church building, such a the sanctuary, social hall, classrooms, hallways, and restrooms.

Mowing Team

Mowing and trimming the church grounds.

Office Team

Performing clerical or computer tasks; helping with special projects

Building Maintenance

Occasional maintenance and repair projects around the building, such as changing light bulbs, small painting jobs, and simple repairs.

Creative charts

Ministry Teams

We have 14 ministry teams that serve the Church, both inside the building and outside.

Ministry Volunteers

146 People volunteer their time and talents to serve the Kingdom.

People Impacted

Over 3,000 people are impacted each month by our ministries.


How do I sign up?

You can find our Service Opportunities Jotform on our links page and select which team you want to join. 

How often do I serve?

Most service teams have volunteers serve once a month, some are once a quarter. Your team leader will let you know how often to expect to be scheduled. 

Do I need experience?

No! Our leaders will train you and help you learn anything needed for the position. You just need to be willing to learn! The only exception is the worship arts team, which requires a certain skills set.

Do I have to be a member to seerve?

No. All are welcome to serve on a team.