LifeJourney Outreach
LifeJourney is dedicated to helpng those in need and doing justice both locally and globally.
Our Partners

Local Outreach
Our volunteers faithfully serve breakfast every Saturday at Dayspring Center. We also help with other events for the families at Dayspring.
Every Christmas we collect supplies to help furnish an apartment for homeless families going through the Family Promise program.
Global Outreach
The Global Outreach board guides and implements Life Journeys footprint and influence around the world. Every year the board plans and organizes missions trips to Guatemala and the Appalachian Mountain. Through the Global board, Life Journey is able to support organizations doing wide ranging work in the areas of girls education and economic empowerment.
Crossing Lines Africa
This ministry emphasizes education of church and other faith leaders to reduce the stigma of homosexuality and anti-transgender sentiment there first. The book The Children Are Free has played a key role in this mission as Philip travels around South and East Africa leading workshops for these religious leaders. He has had it translated into Swahili and Lugandan. LifeJourney Church Global Outreach Board offers financial support to CLA to help sustain these initiatives in Uganda and in East and South Africa.
New Community Project
We have been on 2 trips (learning tours) with NCP in South Sudan. We provide on-going financial support for girls education, and financially helped to build a girls school, and in the past we have financially supported women learning a trade.
Honduras Christmas Boxes
Each year LifeJourney Church congregants fill boxes with gifts for children living at Casa De Niños, an orphanage in Honduras, and the surrounding community for Christmas through the Cornerstone Foundation. Congregants purchase items for a child, place them in a shoe box and we mail those to the Orphanage for distribution.
Navajo Nation
The Southwest Indian Foundation facilitates this program. We have gone on approximately 10 mission trips to the Navajo Nation in New Mexico. In the past we provided financial support to Walk In Beauty to purchase shoes for 25-30 children annually before this program ended, without which the students could not go to school. We provide financial support to the SWIF Adopt A Native Elder program that provides food boxes, firewood for cooking & heating, & yarn to 4 native elders twice a year.
ChildFund International
We are the “pass-through” for individual sponsors in the congregation whose monthly sponsorship provides 19 children living in poverty around the world with clean water, food, basic medical care, & educational opportunities. Sponsors can write letters to their child, and may receive annual updates about their child.

Mission Guatemala
Through the hard work and financial support of our wonderful mission teams and congregational giving, we have been able to construct bathrooms for under-resourced rural schools, as well as playgrounds, soccer fields, classrooms, kitchens, multi-purpose buildings, and much more. We also support a vocational training school in San Andrés with scholarships for students to continue schooling beyond 6th grade, which includes a 10-month long sewing program, where students learn everything from how to sew to basic business management skills.
Mountain T.O.P
The Adults In Ministry program seeks to bring adults (18+) from all over the country together to the Cumberland Plateau in Grundy County, Tennessee to meet the great needs of the people here. We have taken 3 trips to the mountain to complete Minor home repairs. These projects are ones that affect the structural integrity, energy efficiency, dryness, and handicap accessibility of a home.